An alternative way to present your co-creation session : draw it!

januari 11, 2019

On a rainy Friday afternoon I decided to make a habit of drawing for developing and presenting innovation and co-creation sessions. Before Christmas I made a first experiment : I developed the first sesison of a series of 3 sessions for a university that wanted to change the current process of graduation. We quickly got to the point that changing might offer us the possibility to re-design with a fresh new perspective. We invited company mentors, students and all kinds of teachers to innovate their own process.

I had the experience that even though i shared my ideas with the project owner before such sessions they would still find it difficult to know how the sessions would actually look like in reality. So i decided to give it a try and draw a session process with the time slots and activities. We also decided to work in an open space with high tables without chairs or standard tables in order to let people move around the room. Last time when I did this for the first time I quickly noticed that people immediately came to look at the steps and found it out-of the box to let digital sheets or boring paperwork disappear. I immediately noticed that all laptops and mobiles disappeared which are normally present even though we know they hinder creativity...

Since sharing is learning, I share the sketch of session 2 with you. (It's in Dutch, sorry for that...) I hope it gives you some inspiration in terms of the process steps and activities as well.


Ideas? Comments? Just drop me a message, I am happy to help you with your sessions or dilemmas.

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