What I do…

“I help companies, organizations and teams to create and achieve their own innovation.
Scrum master, Design Thinker/Visionary/Expert/ Strategist/Mentor, Creativity Facilitator…
Flashy words but I am none of them. Or all of them at the same time.
Essentially, I take my own authentic approach.

Every organization is different.This means that my work is always fully tailor-made.

I help you to redefine and understand the core of the challenge by asking the right questions.
I make sure we do not fight symptoms but cure the core.
Lastly, I design and facilitate the process of change and innovation, working closely together with your team.
We really do the whole job together.

I apply my toolkit full of creative tools, techniques and methods that will definitely generate positive energy during the entire process.
We do not stop until we have developed something to be proud of."
© 2018-2019 BureauSoos